If you provide your personal information or if it is registered in connection with your visit to www.swedbag.se, it is used by Swedbag AB for preparation and administration of products and services. Your personal information is provided, for example, if you fill in forms, expressions of interest and if you apply to become a customer of Swedbag AB. Your information is also processed to fulfill legal obligations that Swedbag AB has.
The personal data also forms the basis for market and customer analyzes, business follow-up, business and method development. The personal data is also used for marketing purposes if you have not requested a block for direct marketing.
The processing of personal data may, within the framework of applicable confidentiality regulations, also take place at other companies with which Swedbag AB cooperates for its operations.
Swedbag AB is responsible for personal data. If you want information about which personal information about you is processed by Swedbag AB, you can request it in writing to the address below. It is also to the address that you should turn if you want to request correction of incorrect or misleading information.
Swedbag AB
Dåntorpsvägen 17
136 50 Jordbro, Sweden
When visiting www.swedbag.se, IP addresses are automatically registered for measuring the frequency of visits.
Swedbag AB collects, handles and analyzes information on use, network traffic and events on Swedbags AB’s website. Network traffic refers to data that relates to visitors to the website and which is used to convey, distribute and send messages in data networks. The information is not used to identify individual visitors, except on Swedbag AB’s web shop. Swedbag AB may, if necessary, also collect such information from a third party. Special privacy conditions can be applied to certain services used via Swedbag AB’s website.
Swedbag AB collects and analyzes the following information about visitors to Swedbag AB’s website:
Swedbag AB stores web statistics to ensure the technical functionality and use of the network. Swedbag AB also uses the statistics to get an insight into the visitors’ user experiences and to develop the website. Swedbag AB uses web statistics to improve its electronic services and knowledge of customers ‘and visitors’ needs.
Swedbag AB monitors the information collected and does not transfer it to third parties. Swedbag AB can, however, use subcontractors in the handling of the data. Swedbag AB currently uses American Google Analytics to handle the data. Google is one of the market’s leading providers of web statistics. The company observes the protection of privacy by following the standard contract clauses that the European Commission has developed.
Swedbag AB can also use services provided by other subcontractors that comply with the European Commission’s data protection directive (October 1998), such as support for customer service, market analysis and interaction.
Swedbag AB does not under any circumstances allow the subcontractors to use the information for purposes other than those defined by Swedbag AB. Swedbag AB may use information provided by customers in the web shop for specific purposes, such as analysis and marketing.
We use cookies to improve your experience on our website, to be able to follow up the use of our website and to support the marketing of our products and services.
In connection with you becoming a customer of Swedbag AB via www.swedbag.se, you agree that Swedbag AB uses your personal information in order to offer you specific and relevant offers about products and services that Swedbag AB provides. This treatment is based on consent, which means that you can revoke your consent at any time. Swedbag AB will then not process further personal data or update previously submitted personal data in connection with the said processing.
If you want to revoke the consent, Swedbag AB contacts in writing to:
Swedbag AB
Dåntorpsvägen 17
136 50 Jordbro, Sweden
Please contact us if you have questions about this text or Swedbag AB’s use of web statistics.
Do you not want newsletters or advertising from Swedbag AB? Resign by sending your information to hej@swedbag.se
Vi på Swedbag AB använder oss av cookies för att erbjuda dig en bra och trygg upplevelse av vår webbplats. Det hjälper oss att registrera antal besökare samt ge oss statistik och information om hur webbplatsen används.